CCUS & Reactive Flow Simulation Chair

  • Flow Assurance and Scale Team (FAST) JIP
    * Oil and Gas Field Scale Management
    * Mineral Scaling during CO2 Storage
    * Mineral Scaling in Geothermal Systems
    * Scale Inhibitor Squeeze Modelling
    * Rockit Well Plugging & Abandonment and Leak Prevention
  • Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) and Hydrogen Storage
    * CO2 Storage in Mature Hydrocarbon Basins
    * CO2 EOR and Storage in Depleted Oil and Gas Fields
    * Hydrogen Underground Generation and Storage
  • Reactive Flow Simulation
    * Laboratory Scale Fluid Flow in Porous Media Experimental and Simulation Studies
    * Coupled Geochemical Modelling and Reservoir Simulation Studies
    * COMSOL Reactive Transport Modelling App Development

Low Net Carbon EOR and Energy Transition Chair