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Farah is a PhD student at Heriot-Watt University. Holding a BSc & MSc in Petroleum Engineering from Kuwait University, An Employee in Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) from 2017 till present. Her current research focuses on the potential for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in a candidate aquifer reservoir in Kuwait, with a particular emphasis on assessing the feasibility of reproducing the injected CO₂ for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) in another field. The research will include a sensitivity analyses by varying key reservoir parameters (e.g., porosity, permeability, and injection rate) to determine their impact on storage efficiency and CO₂ recovery. Multiple scenarios will be run to evaluate both permanent and temporary storage options, allowing for a comparison of the long-term sustainability of CCS versus its utilization for EOR purposes through modelling software.

Project Title
Carbon Capture Storage in Aquifer reservoir in Kuwait and the feasibility of reproducing the injected CO₂

Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) scholarship

Prof. Eric Mackay
Prof. Arne Skauge

Start Date
Sep 2024

Email: ffea3000@hw.ac.uk