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Célia is a PhD student in the Flow Assurance ad Scale Team (FAST) at the Institute of GeoEnergy Engineering at Heriot-Watt University, specializing in inorganic scale formation and inhibitor mechanisms, along with polymer interactions and long-term kinetics. She previously worked as a researcher focused on the study of micro and nanoparticle dispersions for EOR and the release of chemicals with a particular focus on microcapsules production for targeted chemical delivery at LMMP, PUC-Rio University. She holds a BSc in Biochemistry from Coimbra University and an MSc in Petroleum Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico Lisbon.
For more information, visit Célia’s Profile.

Project Title
Impact of EOR Polymers on Scale Inhibition


Prof. Ken Sorbie
Prof. Eric Mackay

Start Date
Sep 2021

1- A Review of 50 Years of SPE Oilfield Chemistry – SPE International Conference on Oilfield Chemistry 2023
2- The Impact of EOR Polymers on the Adsorption of Phosphonate Scale Inhibitors – SPE International Oilfield Chemistry 2023
3- Adsorption Kinetics of Hydrolysed Polyacrylamide and its Impact on Laboratory Testing and Field Performance
4- Adsorption Kinetics of copolymers and sulfonated polymers for enhanced oil recovery – SPE Improved Oil Recovery
5- The Impact of Copolymers and Sulfonated Polymers on the Adsorption of Phosphonate Scale Inhibitors

Email: Cms2001@hw.ac.ukceliamelosilva@hotmail.com