Parex Solutions is a specialized consultancy firm providing advanced technical expertise in the oil and gas industry. We collaborate closely with the FAST Research Group at Heriot-Watt University to deliver innovative solutions in scale control, scale management, and reservoir simulation (including CCUS simulations). We have extensive experience conducting scale risk assessments for major operators and service companies, including BP, Shell, Total Energies, Chevron, PetroRio, and ChampionX. We have supported projects across key hydrocarbon regions, including the North Sea, Gulf of Mexico, West Africa, and the Middle East. In addition to scale-related challenges, Parex Solutions offers expert consultancy in reservoir engineering and simulation-driven industrial projects, helping clients optimize field performance and mitigate production risks.
Some examples of our previous projects:
- A case study in a field located in the Norwegian Sector of the North Sea. The field in question is produced by horizontal wells, and these wells will require scale inhibitor placement via bullhead squeezes deployed at appropriate pump rates to ensure effective placement to provide adequate protection. The timing and extent of seawater breakthrough have been calculated using a reservoir simulation model that accounts for the original development phase, a multi-year period during which the field was shut in – but during which fluid redistribution could still occur – and then the redevelopment phase. These calculations have been used to identify the required timing for squeeze treatments, and to investigate what bullhead pump rates are required for adequate placement during both phases of field life. The main finding is that while adequate placement can be achieved using the same pump rates in both phases of field life, during the redevelopment stage the treatments will need to be deployed earlier in the redeveloped wells life, since there may not be a long time period between (formation) water breakthrough and seawater breakthrough, as there generally is during conventional green field developments. Published with paper – SPE 209502
- Relaxation of requirements for the SRP can significantly reduce operational costs. This study investigates the timing and degree of relaxation of the output sulphate concentration from the SRP required to ensure barite risk will be minimized in the main channel of the Dalia Field (a mature offshore field locates at West Africa), accounting for the impact of PWRI (Produced Water ReInjection), and including some simplifications to render the modelling more practical. In conclusion, PWRI can be considered as an option to reduce the scaling risk in the original producers; however, the infill wells would still require to be carefully monitored. In conclusion, overall, there is potential to allow for higher sulphate concentrations in the injection brine as described above, and the beneficial impact of in situ reactions is quite significant, but some wells would require a higher level of monitoring. Published with paper – SPE 218729
- A case study in a field located in Middle East. The scaling risk assessment carried out with a thermodynamic prediction model has shown both SrSO4 and CaSO4 risks due to the mixing of formation water with injected seawater. A reactive transport reservoir modelling tool has been used to investigate the impact of injection water composition on the scaling risk at the producer. In this model, the following are incorporated: aqueous component transport, partitioning of CO2 between aqueous and hydrocarbon phases, aqueous speciation reactions, mineral precipitation/dissolution reactions and heat transport. The required level of sulfate in the injected seawater, to prevent sulfate scales at the producer, has been determined. Published with paper – SPE 215958
Contact Details
Mobile number: +44 7449342497
Address: 19 Stoker Crescent, Jackton, East Kilbride, South Lanarkshire, Scotland, G75 8WR