Hearty congratulations to Ali Al Behadili and Ahmadreza Shojaee, who have recently been awarded a £750 prize as runners-up in this year’s competition. There were 56 submissions received by the SPE for this award, so they have both done very well indeed.
Ali’s PhD project is titled “Optimization of Injection Brine Composition and Impact of Geochemical Reactivity.”
Ahmadreza, a third-year PhD student, is working on “Numerical Study of Biological and Geochemical Reactions during Hydrogen Storage in Subsurface Porous Media.”
SPE Aberdeen supports students through an annual bursary programme. Over the last 10 years, they have distributed £250K to students across Scotland. SPE Aberdeen invites applications in December each year and awards bursaries of between £500 and £3000 each February.
Well done to both! 🎉